If there is anything more you would like to know about Beacon RCC and its activities, or if you have any feedback for us, please email us using the appropriate link below, and we will get back to you as soon as we can. We will not share your contact details with any other organisation.
Beacon RCC is organised by a voluntary committee, the members of which are detailed below along with their contact details.
President –
George Barker
Chair –
Phil Richards
General Secretary –
David Cole
Treasurer –
Steve Smith
Membership Secretary –
John Williams
Racing Secretary –
Time Trials Secretary –
Simon Woodward
Club Runs Secretary –
Phil Richards
Touring Secretary –
Alan Weaver
Academy Co-ordinator –
Adrian Ravenscroft
Women’s Representative –
Mariana Sorrill
Clothing Secretary –
Mariana Sorrill
Social Secretary –
Nick Shenton
Communications Secretary –
Laurence Cooley
Communication between members
As well as the above Facebook page the club has an active Facebook groupwhich can provide an informal introduction to some of the membership. People share pictures, event information, extra rides and social events there.
Whilst this is a great way to keep up to date with activities, the club message board is the most comprehensive source of club-related news and information.