Subs renewal

Subscription renewals are due on 1 January each year. If you are an existing member of the club and need to renew your membership, please transfer the relevant amount to the club’s bank account (including your name as the reference) or set up a standing order via Internet Banking. Contact the Treasurer or Membership Secretary for details.

Full membership £15
Family membership £25
Junior membership £5

If you wish to renew via secure card payment please proceed to our renewal page and select the appropriate membership type. A small additional charge applies to cover card processing costs.

If you are a British Cycling member or are considering joining British Cycling you may wish to renew via the British Cycling site. To do so, please continue to your personal dashboard on the British Cycling web sitePlease note that British Cycling charge £1 per transaction to cover card processing charges.

The last date for paying subs without a break in membership is 31 March; any memberships unpaid by this date will lapse. Please note that if you joined on or after 1 October 2024, your membership is valid until the end of 2025 and you won’t need to renew until the start of 2026.

Data Protection and Privacy Policy

Persons joining the Club, renewing membership or entering events promoted by the Club consent to the club collecting, storing and using personal data as described in the Club’s Data Protection and Privacy Policy.